We have the ability to craft a life where we are completely fulfilled.
We think it is dependent on outsiders, and to some extent it is, but it is much more dependent on the attitude we bring to life.
- Srikumar Rao
Dealing With Life’s Curve Balls!
You may have been made redundant or lost your job.
You may be working in an atmosphere of distrust or for a difficult boss.
You may be in the business of listening, and need a listener to give you professional support.
Whether you need Employee Support, Professional Supervision, or Career Guidance … you are in the right place!
Jane Field at LifeCraft works with a diverse range of people who all have one thing in common: their path to success, fulfillment and happiness is blocked.
In a confidential, non-judgmental environment, Jane will work with you to deal with and overcome the obstacles in your path.
"To listen another's soul into a condition of disclosure and discovery may be almost the greatest service any human being ever performs for another."
- Douglas V. Steere
Jane Field at LifeCraft provides Psychological First Aid for …
Individuals and Groups
If you are:
- Experiencing problems at work such as bullying and harassment or anger and conflict.
- Having trouble coping because of stress and anxiety.
- Dealing with relationship difficulties.
- Going through trauma such as a bereavement, accident or divorce.
- Looking to change or begin a new career because of restructuring, redundancy or retirement, or are returning to the workplace.
Lifecraft offers Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) Support and career guidance either through your employer or you may come to us directly.Validating and supporting you as a person and as a professional.
"Supervision is a key process through which workers can be assisted to deal effectively with the emotional impact of the work by enabling them to share their thoughts and feelings about it."
- Judy Gibb
Such as trainers, teachers, counsellors, occupational therapists, nurses, career practitioners, and other professional listeners
If you work in a supervisory capacity, or are helping and guiding others, LifeCraft’s professional supervision services can help by:
- Working with you to set and achieve goals, and to develop your skills, understanding, and abilities.
- Assisting you to manage yourself in your role.
- Supporting you by giving you the chance to vent your frustrations in a neutral environment.
- Guiding you in the best ways to manage your work environment and work practices.
- Working with you to develop skills and strategies to make you more effective.
"A career path is rarely a path at all. A more interesting life is usual a more crooked, winding path of missteps, luck and vigorous work. It is almost always a clumsy balance between the things you try to make happen and the things that happen to you."
- Tom Freston
If you have an EAP programme in place for your staff, LifeCraft contracts directly with organisations or through other EAP providers.
We can provide:
- Psychological first aid for your employees for personal or work difficulties they are facing.
- Team skills development.
- Assistance to staff transitioning to redundancy or retirement.
Jane Field at LifeCraft will work with you to deal with those curve balls life dishes out! Call or contact her today to discuss how she can help.

"Career Development is the lifelong process of managing learning, work, leisure and transitions in order to move toward a personally determined and evolving preferred future."
- Canadian Standard and Guidelines for Career Development Practitioners